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My name is Edgar Sherman and I want to protect the lives of those who give their lives for our country. I was determined to become Force Recon or SF/SOF. I was going to take a break from my academics and enlist with my best friend. There was only one thing holding me back and that was my esophagus. I had been struggling to eat certain foods as I found myself choking almost daily. After years of this, I finally found a doctor who was able to understand what I have: Eosinophilic Esophagitis. This immediately disqualified me from any form of military service. Which hit hard. It took time but I was able to find my new direction. If I couldn’t protect those serving by fighting alongside them I was going to put my drive for design and the military together. I have now worked two internships at Ops-Core helping design helmets for ground forces. While there I was able to surround myself with amazing, talented people and I have contributed to the latest helmets with future designs yet to be released. I have been building relationships with active and former military members within SOCOM, NATO, DOD, and law enforcement both locally and far away. With their support and help, my designs and effort to assist servicemembers have become more and more real. I’m giving this life my everything, my designs released now may be small but as I’m able to save more money I’ll be able to invest in ideas that I believe will help save lives and revolutionize the way good design is involved within the military and law enforcement community. I’m not here for anything but the service and drive to protect those who protect our freedoms.  – Edgar


Eco Defense Group and Edgar Sherman Design have joined forces to help assist in the fight against poaching. Edgar Sherman Design is working directly with Eco Defense Group to provide solutions to the many problems Rangers and those fighting poachers face. Our goal in this partnership is to outfit all the Rangers trained by Eco Defense Group with ESD slings along with assist in providing any and all necessary equipment and training. Stay tuned to find out more ways you can help join the fight. Donations and spreading the word are the first ways to help this cause. Help be proactive in the fight against poaching before it’s too late. For more information head to Eco Defense Group to see how you can help.