Edgar’s EDC Breakdown

One thing members of the team are asked weekly is “What do you guys carry for EDC?”. A person’s Everyday Carry items are specific to what someone needs to accomplish task throughout the day. We took the time to sit down with a few members of our team to take a look at what they carry day in and day out to not only protect themselves but to just live their lives. 

Starting off our series is Edgar’s carry items as well as a few tips and tricks.


Edgar’s go to carry gun is a Gen 4 Glock 19 with an RMR and a TLR7A. Edgar likes to keep this gun with no frills with the biggest upgrade being the swapping of the stock Glock barrel to a new Glock Marksmen barrel giving him better mechanical accuracy. His G19 also has a prototype ESD Magwell and some Howie’s Hockey tape on the grip.

In the Winter time bulkier clothes allow for better concealment of larger firearms. Given the additional space Edgar opts for the slightly larger grip on the Glock 45. The Glock 45 is a compact crossover pistol that combines a compact slide from a Glock 19 with a full size frame of a Glock 17. His Glock 45 is equipped with an ACRO P2, PMM Barrel/Compensator, Surefire X300U/B, Howie’s Hockey tape, and a Clear Anodized ESD Magwell. 



The gun is carried in a Tenicor CERTUM LUX2 Holster with DCC belt clips. He prefers this holster because so far it has been a “set it and forget it” holster not needing any adjustment and it’s passed his truck bed test. In addition to the Tenicor holster he also carries a spare magazine with a Glock +2 baseplate in Tenicor ABDO AIWB. This allows his to configure the carrier in an anatomically efficient manner that suits his active lifestyle. The spare magazine is carried not because he’s going to get in a gun fight in downtown Manchester, but as an insurance policy against a malfunction of his carry gun.


Their air pods. They play music in your ear holes which is rad. But for real having a quality pair of earbuds for working out is essential. Not to mention they also make taking business calls on the go much easier. 


Edgar is pretty tough on glasses so the ones he currently has are from REI. They block the sun from hurting his eyes which is nice.


The Magpul Rigger EDC is an aluminum frame lock design featuring what Magpul calls a modified wharncliffe-style blade made from S35vn steel. Edgar’s version is Clear Anodized because it’s the best Anodize. This knife was a gift from an Industry friend at Magpul and scratches the design itch that he has.


His go to belt is a surplus Bundeswehr belt. The belt is completely adjustable and has a good mix of rigidity and flexibility. With a simple design and buckle it maintains a low profile and an overall low signature. This also allows him to continue to wear the shortest of shorts because we don’t skip leg day for a reason at ESD.

In addition to all his tools Edgar also regularly trains in BJJ so he can have the empty-handed skills to manage situations without having to draw a gun or a knife. Any time you can employ a “defense in depth” you put yourself at an advantage by allowing yourself to choose the correct tool for the encounter.

We hope this glimpse into Edgar’s EDC has been helpful for you to add, subtract or adjust your EDC to meet your needs. For a more in-depth explanation of his EDC head over to our YouTube channel and check out our latest Gear Talk. 

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